Monday, May 6, 2013

Final Project: Technology Integration Plan-Understanding Point of View

My integrated lesson plan was taken from my CURR 310 class, Inclusion Module.  While the lesson focuses on increasing students’ understanding of how to identify an author or character’s point of view, the lesson was adapted in order to meet the needs of a student who is communication impaired.
The lesson begins with a lecture and teacher presentation, where the teacher explains to the students what point of view is and how to identify it.  He/she will then read aloud the story “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” by Jon Scieszka in order to model how to identify and recognize a particular character’s perspective.  I decided to incorporate a projector into the lesson in order to visually display the short story for those students who are not audio learners, as well as provide a visual reference for all students.  Since the story is told from the wolf’s point of view, the students will be able to see how context affects the perception of a story.  The teacher will conduct a large group discussion where the students will be able to voice their understandings as well as any initial questions.  Furthermore, the children will be provided with a graphic organizer and writing utensil in order to take notes from the lecture and class discussion.  The strategies and technology used align with the first standard because it helps students determine a speaker’s point of view and identify how the speaker’s language supports that point of view.  It also aligns with the NETS-S: Communication and Collaboration, because the students are working collaboratively in the large group discussion.   
After the group discussion, the teacher will present the video version of the story “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.”  The students will be asked to break off into small groups of three or four and then compare the video version of the short story with the actual text.  They will again be provided with a graphic organizer, this time a Venn diagram, in order to organize their findings and notes.  These strategies and technologies align with the standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.7 because the students will be analyzing the short story from different mediums, including print and digital.
The teacher will then have the students assess the validity of the speaker’s point of view, determining if there is any distorted or exaggerated evidence provided in that speaker’s version.  This task directly aligns to the standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.3, because students need to “evaluate a speaker’s point of view...identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.”  Furthermore, the teacher will provide guided practice as a method of scaffolding, and prompt the students’ critical thinking skills through the Q & A technique.  This task also directly aligns with the NETS-S: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making.
The students will continue their collaborative discussion, which aligns with both the standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions and NETS-S: Communication and Collaboration, however, this time utilizing Wiki Spaces.  Through Q & A and critical thinking, the students will continue to dissect both texts and engage in an online discussion where they can contribute to their fellow classmates’ findings.  In addition they will be able to engage in peer-editing, which will help them in the future when they need to revise their own work.
Lastly, the teacher will assign an individual task which will count as the students’ assessment.  The task will require the students to use Photo Story, a website where students can create their own story and include voice recordings as well as music.  In their story, the students will be asked to tell a narrative from a specific character’s point of view.  However, besides creating the visual version of their tale, the children will also be asked to hand in the print version of the script.  The students will then do an oral presentation where they identify the differences between the digital and print version of their narrative.  This final assessment aligns directly with the standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.5: Make strategic use of digital media…in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.  The reason being is because it asks the students to create a story using a website in order to demonstrate what they have learned in the lesson, while simultaneously engaging their interests.  Furthermore, it aligns with the NETS-S: Creativity and Innovation, because students are using the website to demonstrate their creativity as well as knowledge.   
Overall, the lesson incorporates different strategies as well as technologies in order to cater to the needs of the student with communication impairment.  

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