Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Interactivity #2: The History of Technology in Schools

Redefining speech with a whole new vocabulary. 


  1. From the readings, Webster's dictionary has been influential in schooling. Your caption does capture how dictionaries are constantly changing and being applied to speech. It is an educational technology that has remained constant even in schools today and will continue to be in schools in our future. The only difference is that now we can access the dictionary online at a faster pace than flipping through the actual book. Whether the printed version or online version of the dictionary is better to use may be an unanswered question. We may be possibly moving away from books because now we can have kindles, iPads, etc. that allow us to carry multiple books in our hands at once, but it takes away from the experience of having the actual book in your hands.

  2. I agree! Dictionaries were a big innovation back then and still are to this day, although many people do it online or on Microsoft word while typing a paper. Either way, it all goes back to the old school hard cover. Vocabulary is a rather large aspect of English literature and expanding on it is vital if students ever want to improve their literacy. And back then, they did not have iPhones or computers or all of the technologies that we are graced with to this day. So dictionaries to them must have been what the "internet" is for us in modern day. I agree with Alexandra, the one difference in today's society regarding dictionaries is how fast it takes someone to do it. A lot of people can be impatient when flipping through all those pages. Which makes how convenient technology is currently so important, people can look up synonyms and antonyms and complicated word definitions in a matter of seconds. I remember in middle school, a lot of us used the dictionary a lot for school because that was how it was back then. Technology was just beginning to bloom. So I thought it was very wise of you to choose dictionary. Did I do the assignment right? Cause I did film and even though film was present back then, a lot of people kind of avoided it for its complexities. Please let me know, because the film I chose was made in early 1960's (and the one we were showed in school was black and white, not the colored version that I chose. Those came later) and I remember her saying that it must be between the 1820's to the 1990's. That works right?

  3. Dictionaries have become such a standard tool that is difficult to imagine just how huge of an impact they have had on education. How many times have students asked what a word meant only to be told "look it up in the dictionary?" How many students struggling with spelling have been told to see how a word is spelled in the dictionary? These are more old-school examples of how dictionaries have been used as teaching materials, but the influence of the dictionary must be as big as the book itself. It's the ultimate source of vocabulary expansion and word explanation. While the invention of online dictionaries have led to the collection of words to be used more to look up specific words than to learn new words or check spelling, the dictionary still remains to be an essential tool for any teacher or student looking to learn a thing or two about word meaning.

  4. Dictionaries are probably the most overlooked technology in a classroom setting, but have the most interesting evolution. The caption you chose for this assignment couldn’t be more fitting. As time has progressed and continues to progress, Webster’s Dictionary has followed along while adding new words and taking out ones that no longer belong. It is a tool that most people use without really knowing it, whether they actually open the book, access the website, or use Spellcheck on Microsoft Word.
    Another interesting thing about the Dictionary is the fact that there are more than just one kind. For example, in today’s society we now have a dictionary that defines all kinds of “slang” words. Just by having a book dedicated to defining terms that are used in everyday language shows that the concept of the Dictionary is one that will continue to be used inside a classroom, and also outside of it.
    As for the Dictionary’s contribution to an English classroom, the Dictionary is a tool that students should be encouraged to use. Not only does it help with defining words, it also helps with spelling, finding synonyms and antonyms, and even for grammatical purposes.
