Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Magical Classroom

Can it be possible to brighten a classroom with technology  Perhaps the SmartBoard can generate enough light so that teaching can bloom with technology.  Innovative ways of teaching our future students need to be developed in order to ensure that education keeps up with the increased waves of machineries that are invading our society.  As we strive to motivate students, we need to think smart.  If technology is taking over the world, then let’s unite with it in order to use its maximum potential for education; Don't let technology take over the classroom, but rather let it transform the classroom.  Why not bring education to life with the SmartBoard.         


  1. I enjoyed how the video brings the classroom to life! Too often students are sitting bored in classes instead of being motivated to learn. Students need to have intrinsic motivation to learn, which will only occur if they are in an engaging classroom. Your ending comment "Don't let technology take over the classroom, but rather let it transform the classroom" really captured the essence of the video.

  2. After watching this video, I completely agree with your statement regarding how important it is for teachers to allow technology not to take over the classroom, but to transform it. Smartboards are a very interesting concept if you think about it; they offer so many different features that can benefit both teachers and students in the long-run. I hope that as each one of us enter into the education field that we are all lucky enough to have a Smartboard in our classrooms. Additionally, I hope that we all discover new and innovative ways in which to use them in class and incorporate them into our curriculum.
